Project Funding

Option 1
Ref: DBLI230122
The holy grail of funding @ 80% LTC. Not financing which involves debt cost. Get paid from the capital we raise, not from your clients who only needs 20% of the project cost, which remains blocked in their bank account as cash reserves. From 25mm to 500mm+...NO upfront fees! NO due diligence fees!
Brokers protected and paid 1pt of the project cost.
Send us an executive summary and POF to....
Option 2
Ref: MWEM200122
Up to 100% funding...check the file below for submission requirements. No upfront fees!
Option 3
Ref: AMEM141121
This Funder, based out of UAE will partner with potential prospects with lucrative project capable to attract at least minimum 20% Return on Investment (ROI) per annum.
Alternatively they can extend credit facility or loan at 3% interest rate per annum, given that the project qualifies for funding after due consideration and assessment.
* Funding Type: Debt finance
* Currency: AED/GBP/ USD/ EURO
* Region: Anywhere in the world with political stability.
* Minimum Loan Amount: USD 500,000.00 GBP/ USD/ EURO
* Maximum Loan Amount: USD 5 Billion GBP/ USD/ EURO
* Term: 1 to 15 Years Renewable
* Repayment: Quarterly or Monthly Installment
* Repayment Holiday:(1 or 2 years) Available for start-up and existing projects
* Interest rate: 3% p.a.
* Project Appraisal: Assessment compulsory due diligence check to all foreign base projects.
You are eligible for a project funding loan if:
-Your application is for renewable energy project, transportation,Manufacturing, Power Energy, banking,Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Health, Aviation, Tourism, Retail, Real Estate, Construction, IT & Communications, Technology, Education, Energy, Engineering, Utilities, Telecoms, Mining, Maritime and host of other profitable ventures.
- The project falls within the scope of funding.
- The project has a positive and socio-economic impact in the pilot country.
The application and loan disbursement consists of the following steps:
1). Initial Assessment; review of the Application documents; the request for funding should be supported with the project financing loan application form along with the required checklist documents which will be sent if you adhere to our funding terms and conditions.
- review of the submission and evaluation of the project feasibility process allows the Project Funder to understand the project and decide whether or not to accept same for funding.
2). Project Appraisal; the appraisal process allows the Project Funder to authorize external advisory due diligence check so to ascertain the project conditions, review the soundness of the feasibility study, assess the validity of the cost estimate and assess the capabilities of the beneficiary in administering, executing, operating and maintaining the project.
3). Loan Approval; once approved by the Project Funder Board of Directors, the beneficiary will be notified and the loan negotiation process will commence preparation for the loan signature.
4) Loan Security/Collateral; the beneficiary shall: (a) Purchase Credit Insurance policy through our authorized Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC) approved insurance firm (based in the UAE and details will be available for due diligence), hence borrower will be obligated to pay the indemnity premium fee (ranging between 0.05% to 10% depending on the loan amount required) direct to the Insurer as needed to cover the loan against default/risk on Non collateral basis; (NB) premium fee is refundable at the end of agreed loan duration period if there is no default. (B) Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC) project owners can Pledge Land or Project Assets as collateral for loan.
5). Disbursement; loan will be disbursed via bank to bank transfer either in tranches or full payment to the corporate account of the beneficiary or an SPV account.